Back to Europe

Mason is finishing up his semester in Barcelona, Spain. We thought it would be great time for a family vacation to join him in Europe and celebrate the end of his program abroad.

Decisions, decisions April 15, 2018

We decided together that we would visit Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Austria. We will have a focus on WWII history and visiting important places from the Holocaust. In addition, the kids wanted to spend some time in Poland….visiting “the mother-land” (whatever that means…). Finally, we decided some plain old fun would be important so that will be the focus over Christmas. We plan to ski in the Alps. We will be renting 2 cars & simply driving from place to place over the course of 2 weeks. We have our AirBnbs reserved. This trip overseas will be more planned than Steve & my last backpacking adventure. Life needs to be a bit more planned with 4 kids traveling along with us 🙂
So, the Griswalds, I mean the Malikowskis are headed to Europe December 15-29. Step one; boarding the plane for departure, is currently contingent upon both Steve & Staci getting renewed passports!!! Currently in progress….
Stay tuned & read along. And if you haven’t read our first trip blog, scroll all the way to the bottom & join our earlier adventure. Looking forward to blogging again 🙂