Hello Europe, I’ve missed you!


Destination Prague……Everyone has arrived!

Mason spent his last weekend with his roommates in London and traveled to Prague yesterday. He got all settled into the AirBnb & had some time to chill out for a movie night waiting for his fam to catch up.

The rest of us flew into Munich, rented cars and headed to Prague, Czech Republic. It was about a 3-hour drive. Mal & Shane had a different flight than Steve, Alec & me so they had to rent their car & figure out how to get from point A to B. I was super nervous about letting them road trip on their own, but they managed totally fine.

Driving in Prague…not too bad!
Steve did awesome driving us here. He was only honked at 2 times & head-light flashed once. We were only off track once & that was totally my fault. Alec tried his best to stay awake, but flying all night caught up with him mid-trip. Like most of EU, Prague’s infrastructure is way under-sized. Steve lost his shit at the final destination with one-way madness. He brought us 99% of the way. I finished off the parking in Prague.