Trip to Krakow……random toll booths & speeding tickets

So today was just a simple travel day. Low key & relaxing. Driving 500 miles from Prague to Krakow, Poland seemed easy enough, no pressure, no timeline. All went pretty well….in terms of safety anyway. We’re all well & settled into our new AirBnb together.

The Polish welcomed us with a random tollbooth that wouldn’t accept CZK Koruna, nor USD. Started to sweat with a line of 5 cars behind us….thankfully Visa saved us. Hello Poland! Shortly thereafter, both Steve & Shane (we rented 2 cars) had the privilege of getting their photo taken from a free-way cam. We are all 100% certain speeding tickets will be forthcoming on the rental car bill. Steve’s gone his entire life without a speeding ticket so he’s a little sore about the whole thing. Shane seems unaffected, so not sure how to interpret that?? Speeding was followed up with one more lovely tollbooth & then into rush hour traffic. We got separated & Mallory wanted Mason to “CALL MOM!!!” But he informed her that they (Shane, Mal & Mason) were 3 adults that didn’t need to call their mother to find their destination. They pulled into the parking lot 3 minutes after us. Good job, Mason!!

A little more chaos followed when I had no cash to pay for guarded parking of our cars, but the attendant pointed across the way & said “Banco-matic”. So I ventured off to find the ATM. I came back with 100 PLN Zloty, feeling pretty good about my accomplishment. Only to find the price was 120 Zloty. EACH car. Ugh, so back I went. We now have parked cars, cold beers & Zloty in the purse. Tomorrow will be awesome!