Venice – Day 1 & 2

Well they love to drink wine here!! Good news for us 🙂

The beauty is hard to describe.

Typical view at each street

Days 1 & 2 in Venice can be captured with one word….LOST!  Oh my, Venice is hard to navigate. We’ve spent a significant amount of time lost. It was kind of a novelty at first, but it wears on you after many hours of wondering. Nonetheless we stop frequently to local places to have wine & appetizers. We even occasionally look at the map…not that it helps any.

The food is incredible. This is last nights dinner. image
We spent last evening in a pub crawl, enjoying as many local places as we could.

Today we visited St. Marks Square & Rialto Bridge. Managed to find a SIM card in our walkabout, so that was helpful.


It’s now siesta time (Steve is actually snoring as a type).
Looking forward to another fabulous dinner tonight. May even go big with pasta!